rate at which water flows through a soil is proportional to the
hydraulic gradient and is expressed by Darcy's Law as:
Equation Set 1.1: Darcy's Law
The coefficient of permeability varies with the type of soil and
conditions. It is influenced by:
- Size and shape of the soil particles
- Void ratio
- Temperature
- Degree of saturation
Empirical methods to estimate permeability using
Hazen equations:
Equation Set 1.2: Hazen equations
for sands:
for estimating flow through graded sand filters (clean sands and
Several different laboratory testing methods can be
performed to more accurately determine permeability, including
constant-head and falling-head types. For our purposes, a
falling-head test will be performed. The falling-head test
essentially consists of measuring change in head and quantity of flow
over time as follows:
Equation set 1.3: Falling head test